The Best Books I Read in 2021

I managed to read 100 books in 2021. These 15 were my favourites.

I used to read a couple of books a week, which meant that over a year I would read around 100 books. It was easy. If I had to commute to work it would be on public transport giving me a couple of hours of reading time each day. My free time was spent reading. When I was travelling long-term I’d have days at a time where I’d be sitting on a bus, plane or train or hanging around waiting to get on a bus, plane or train. All extra reading time.

I thought it was normal to get through that many books a year. Then my lifestyle changed. I wasn’t travelling so much. When I was commuting I’d be driving. Now I mostly work at home. My free time is taken up with reading blogs, scrolling through social media and watching Netflix. My reading rate dropped to between 30 and 40 books a year. I’ve not been happy with this. I’m not so bothered about hitting targets as being frustrated that I have so many books to read and even if I live to be 500, I won’t get through them all.

This year, I decided to try to remedy it. I decided I was going to aim to read 100 books. I finished book 100 on New Year’s Eve.

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